Sermon Based Small Group Lessons

Signing Day


2008 June 29

Dr. Les Hughes


Opening Question

(New groups:  Share your name and the answer to the following question.)


During worship we’ve seen a number of videos in which people who are serving at Westwood answer the questions, “Where do you serve?”, “How did you start serving?”, and “What benefits do you get from serving?”   If you currently serve, how would you answer these questions.



Focus Passage


For we are [God’s] workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.  Eph. 2:10



Digging for Truth


1.  The word “Lord” is actually better translated “boss”.  Therefore if we call Jesus Lord, then we have made him the boss of our lives.  If then, Jesus is boss, the answer is “yes” to whatever He asked.  The only problem then is to find out what His will is, and we see that best from God’s word. 


        Share a time in your life that you submitted to God’s will almost unwillingly, and later saw this His will was best.


2.  Lesson one states “I belong to God because He created me.”  Have you ever created something that you feel belonged to you?  How does creation grant another level of ownership?


3.  Lesson two sates “I am uniquely designed by God.”  (See Psalm 139)  We each bring something different to the table.  What is there in you that you believe could benefit others or the church? 


4.  The SHAPE Process is a way to help you discover your place of service.  It is outlined as:

        a.  Spiritual Gifts – our spiritual gifts.

        b.  Heart – our God-given passion

        c.  Abilities – set of talents given to you.

        d.  Personality – our God-given personality

        e.  Experiences – things we’ve experienced that God has used to shape us.


        You might visit the site to discover your spiritual gifts.


        Share one of your passions for ministry.  In other words, if you could be involved in anything in the church, what would it be?


5.  Lesson three states “God has every right to tell me what He wants me to do with my life.”  Like the potter and the clay, the potter shapes as he desires to accomplish His purposes.  How does this truth make you feel?


6.  God also has a right over us because He redeemed us (1 Cor. 6).  Have you ever thought about God’s right over us in this way?  Christ gave the ultimate sacrifice, so our sacrifices pale in comparison.


7.  “God saved me to put me into service.”  How does this make you feel?


8.  “The impact of my life is maximized when I yield to God’s place of service.”  How often do you think about making an impact on others?  What do you think keeps most people from committing to a place of service?  What keeps you from committing to a place of service?



Closing Thought


What does God want you to do as a result of this week’s study?