Sermon Based Small Group Lessons

When Hope is Gone

Dr. Les Hughes

2008 August 10


Opening Question

(New groups:  Share your name and the answer to the following question.)


Tell about a time life seemed hopeless.


Focus Passage


Read John 11:1-44



Digging for Truth


1.  When God forces you to say “Just Give Me Jesus” He’s getting ready to do something in your life.  Have you ever experienced that truth?  What did God do?


        Why do you think God wanted to do that in your life?


2.  Have you ever blamed God when things go wrong?  Is that a good thing or a bad thing to do?  Why or why not?


3.  Martha said to Jesus “Even now (after Lazarus is dead), I know whatever You ask of God, He’ll give you.”


        Martha showed great faith in Jesus.  How strong is your faith compared to her?


        What made her faith so strong?


        How can we work to grow our faith?


        Why would we want to grow our faith?  What are the benefits?


4.  Saying “Just Give Me Jesus” must be a present reality and not just a theological truth.  Is the God of the Bible the God of your present reality?


        Are you experiencing God in your life?  If not, what could you do to experience more of God?


5.  Are you a Martha or a Mary?  Why do you suppose they are the way they are?  Why is it difficult for a Martha to be a Mary?


6.  Saying “Just Give Me Jesus” means periodically God commands us to do something that makes no logical sense.  (Life removing the stone from a body 4 days in the grave.)  Martha informs Jesus that the body will stink.


        Jesus doesn’t ask for our logic, He asks for our obedience.  Has God asked you to do something illogical?


7.  Does it stretch your faith to know that God has the power even to raise the dead to life?


8.  God often wants some action on our part.  He doesn’t show His will first!  Have you ever experienced this scenario with God?  What did He require of you?


9.  Do you sometimes send mixed signals to God, showing your faith in someway but holding on in others?


Closing Thought


10.  What is God calling you to do in your life now?  How can you show faith in Him this week?