Sermon Based Small Group Lessons

God, My Lord

Series Title is I-Am Tunes  (The logo used in worship let you know that this is a knockoff of Apple’s Itunes)


2008 April 27

Rick Swing, Executive Pastor of Ministries

Focus Scripture: Daniel 3:29-30


Meeting Schedule

1.  Fellowship time & snacks

2.  Share prayer requests

3.  Pray (taking turns with short sentence prayers is good if group members are comfortable).

4.  Begin the lesson.

            a.  Share the title (above)

            b.  Ask the Ice Breaker Question

            c.  Follow the guide, reading the Scripture and asking the questions.






Opening Question


What is the toughest thing God could ask you to do?

   (New groups:  Share your name and….question above.)



Daniel 3:29-30

Therefore I decree that the people of any nation or language who say anything against the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego be cut into pieces and their houses be turned into piles of rubble, for no other god can save in this way."

Then the king promoted Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the province of Babylon.


Digging for Truth


If some of the members didn’t attend worship, give an overview of the story of Shadrack, Meshack and Abednigo found in Daniel 1-3.  Rick defined this story to be a premier example of Lordship.


1.  Today we’ll talk about Lordship, or full surrender to Christ.  What else can we say about Lordship to define the word?


2.  Why do you think most believers still struggle with the issue of Lordship?  Does that say anything about our belief in who God is?


3.  What does true lordship of Christ look like in the life of a believer?  Does that look desirable or undesirable to you?


4.  The hymn “I Surrender All” was written by a man struggling with God’s will.  After a number of years he finally surrendered.  What has there been in your life that was a real struggle of lordship?


5.  Distribute copies of the hymn found at the end of this lesson.  Ask the group to read over the hymn and share one phrase that they most wish to be true of themselves.


6.  Life-changing lesson number one says, “True surrender is the first step, not the last step.”  Talk about what that means.


7.  Life-changing lesson number two says, “True Lordship is constant, dangerous and expensive.”  What’s different in this statement and our Christian life?  Why is this true here in North America?


8.  God protected Shadrack, Meshack and Abednigo when they were thrown into the furnace.  What does that tell us about God’s ability to protect us when we honor Him?


9.  The king saw a fourth person in the flames.  Who was that?  What is reassuring about that?


10.  Life-changing lesson number 3 says, “When Christ is truly lord of your life, you will be undeniably attractive.”  How are people who are submitted to Christ attractive?


11.  Lesson number 4 says, “True lordship brings blessings and responsibility.” How do you think God will bless lordship?  What responsibilities will come?



Closing Thought


God desires that we be fully submitted to Him.  When we hold back, it negatively affects our relationship with Him.  We are less blessed and less fulfilled in our relationship with Christ.  We need to deal with our fears of lordship and realize we are better off when we make Christ Lord of our lives.





As a result of today’s lesson, what does God want you to give to Him?


What can you do this week to reflect the lordship of Christ in your life?









Handout Sheet:  “I Surrender All”


All to Jesus I surrender;

all to him I freely give;

I will ever love and trust him,

in his presence daily live.



I surrender all, I surrender all,

all to thee, my blessed Savior,

I surrender all.


All to Jesus I surrender;

humbly at his feet I bow,

worldly pleasures all forsaken;

take me, Jesus, take me now.


All to Jesus I surrender;

make me, Savior, wholly thine;

fill me with thy love and power;

truly know that thou art mine.




Adopt a plan for reading God’s word daily.  Some plans are available at or a reading guide is available in the back of Westwood’s Devotional Book.  Pastor Les also has a plan available at














All to Jesus I surrender;

Lord, I give myself to thee;

fill me with thy love and power;

let thy blessing fall on me.


All to Jesus I surrender;

now I feel the sacred flame.

O the joy of full salvation!

Glory, glory, to his name!
